
Welcome to Ohio County Assessor's Office

The goal of the County Assessor is to work towards every real property being fairly and equally assessed. Assessing officials must follow the rules of the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) in all assessment or reassessment of real property. The mission of a reassessment is to inventory, verify, and value all real estate parcels. This process distributes the property tax burden in a uniform and equitable manner. Mass assessment is not perfect, so we encourage property owners to review their assessments. You may access your property record card on our GIS website, or come into the office for a copy. We welcome any questions and/or concerns.

The Assessor is also responsible for evaluating personal property returns for a farm or business operating within the county. Personal property values are assessed January 1 of every year and are self-reported by property owners to the County Assessor using prescribed state forms. The completed personal property return must be received or postmarked no later than May 15. If you have less than $80,000 in acquisition costs, and have filed a timely return prior to 01/01/2023, you are no longer required to file UNLESS you acquire additional personal property which would put you above the $80,000 threshold.


Form 11 – Notice of Assessment

Form 11’s (Your property’s assessed value as of January 1, 2024 for taxes due and payable in 2025) were mailed April 22, 2024. Please note that the term “improvements” refers to any structures on the land. Property record cards for 2024 have been uploaded and are available on our GIS site – Once you have reviewed your Form 11 and property record card, please call the office at 812-438-3264 with any questions. If you are unable to access your property record card online, we can print one for you.


Cyclical Reassessment Year 3 – 2025

Cyclical Reassessment will take place in Cass Township and Pike Township beginning in May 2024. Our field representative will knock on your door when he stops at your home – please talk to him if you are home. He will be verifying the size and condition of buildings that we have listed on your property record card. The field representative will have signage on his car or truck and identification from our office on him. Please call the office at 812-438-3264 if you have any questions.


Deedee Brown, Assessor
Dena Taylor, Deputy Assessor
Menee Banschbach, Deputy Assessor


Fax: 812-438-1090
Office: 413 Main St.
Rising Sun, IN 47040

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